Geographical Information System, GIS is software which consists of specially developed comprehensive and detailed maps of an areas with longitude and latitude information of each place, street, junctions and address.
Exact Current Location of the vehicle all over the world,
Display of the route trailed,
Display the current speed of the vehicle,
Different alerts in case of battery, engine, door, tow and over speeding,
Record of trip, which can be later reviewed,
Traveled distance can be shown,
Real time speed and direction,
Real Time Location throuhg your mobile or personal computer
We provide accurate mobile vehicle monitoring to locate your vehicle and also provide details like date and time (with violations). History of your vehicle can also be recorded and saved by Dow A-Track. The customer may set the log history of his vehicle on daily, weekly or monthly basis, as per his requirement, via email to us or simply by a phone call to our control room.
The tracking unit will continue to report location of the vehicle if wires from the battery are cut. The engine may still be killed, if the battery has been removed. Vehicle will be immobilized where ever it may be.
Cusomer services department works 24-hours a day and 7-days a week. So if you require any assistance, be it navigaional, or security, you can just call our hotline numbers and get the required help. The system not only provides tracking services, but also shut downs your vehicle, in case it is stolen or snatched. Remember we not only protect your car but your life too.
"After installing A-Track Devices, we saw an immediate ROI. Through improved productivity and operational efficiencies, we are quite satisfy with their services and tracking system."
Mr. Almas
Almas Rent A Car
Almas rent a car Dubai, UAE